
515 passenger planes of Russian airlines seized by Russian government?

 As of March 2012, 515 passenger aircraft owned by Japanese and European leasing companies and leased by Russian airlines such as Aeroflot and S7 Airlines are expected to be confiscated by the Russian government.

The Russian airlines operated 980 aircraft, of which 777 were leased, and  515 out of  them relied on foreign leases.

Aichi Prefecture's disaster-prevention helicopter will be operated by the prefecture government directly starting in FY2022!

Operation of Aichi Prefecture's disaster prevention helicopter, Bell 412EP, has been outsourced to Central Japan Airlines, but due to the new double pilots system newly instituted in light of the accident that occurred in Nagano Prefecture, operation will be no longer outsourced but carried out in cooperation with the Nagoya City Fire Department.

Formation flight by SUBARU FA-200s!

 Subaru (formerly Fuji Heavy Industries) developed the FA-200 commercial aircraft in the 1960s and manufactured 300 of them. About 40 of these aircraft are still registered in Japan and about 60 overseas.  Most of the flight-ready FA-200s in Japan are located at Kumamoto Airport.

Kumamoto Airport is Japan's only Class 1 airport with a dedicated apron for BGA, and is an active airport shared by airlines, BGA aircraft, helicopters, police aircraft, disaster prevention aircraft, and Self Defense Force aircraft.

 For general aviation aircraft, Sojo University specializes in pilot training, and there are also organizations for both beginners and experienced pilots, such as the Kumamoto Flight Club for hobby pilots and SuperWings, which specializes in aerobatic and formation flying.

We are pleased to announce that we participated in the SuperWings training among them. This time, as measures to prevent the spread of corona infection continue, we flew in the sky to wish for a quick return to normal operations. We circled over Kumamoto Castle!