In 1961, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) (now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) sponsored the basic research for the Subaru (formerly Fuji Heavy Industries) FA-200, and in 1964, full-scale planning was started, and in October of the same year, the prototype production policy was decided.
In March 1965, the aircraft received FAA inspection, was modified to improve practicality, and made its first flight in August 1965. Type certificates were obtained for the N class in March 1966 , the U class in July 1966 and A class later.
By 1984, 300 FA-200s had been manufactured and exported overseas. It is estimated that about 50 FA-200s are still flying in Japan and abroad.
Eight of the 18 FA-200s registered in Japan are still in Kumamoto, and supported by enthusiastic fans, they continue to fly even after half a century.